速報APP / 商業 / Meri Classifieds

Meri Classifieds





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Meri Classifieds(圖1)-速報App

Want to post a free Ad? Want to Explore your city? Want to Purchase a product? Meri Classifieds is one stop solution for all your needs.

Amazing features when you download Meri Classifieds App:

* Anyone can post an advertisement.

Meri Classifieds(圖2)-速報App

* Send Sms to Advertiser / Image result for small light red email icon to Advertiser for free.

* Any Advertisement can be beautifully changed to lovely website look.

* You can even message groceries items from the Super Bazaar person to get a free home Delivery.

Meri Classifieds(圖3)-速報App

* Add youtube, custom video files, vimeo etc.

* Add images with different slider types and animations.

* Add youtube video as background video.

Meri Classifieds(圖4)-速報App

* Posted Ad Page can be edited by the Advertiser with his login.

* Powerful html editor to just drag and drop images and page content into the Advertisement page.

* Customized image sliders with various look and feel options.

Meri Classifieds(圖5)-速報App

* Inline html frames that can link to a website.

* Powerful Cacheable content.

* We are on Social networks.. Every Ad will be socialized and automatically advertised

Meri Classifieds(圖6)-速報App